Jesus is the Subject

In this series:

We all have tales we tell ourselves, of which we are the hero. But what if Jesus became the subject? How would that change the way our stories unfolded?

1 - Re-Creation 01.13.19

Pastor Bob Marvel

2 - Drop Your Net 01.20.19

Pastor Bryon Mengle

3 - Fulfillment 01.27.19

Pastor Bob Marvel

4 - The Subject of the Sabbath 02.03.19

Pastor Bob Marvel

5 - Power and Peace - 2.10.19

Pastor Bob Marvel

6 - Waiting Forward - 02.17.19

Pastor Kip McCormick

7 - Inside Out - 02.24.19

Pastor Bob Marvel

8 - Deep Satisfaction - 03.03.19

Pastor Bob Marvel

9 - The Fulcrum - 03.10.19

Pastor Bob Marvel

10 - More Than Meets The Eye - 03.17.19

Pastor Bryon Mengle

11 - The One Thing - 03.24.19

Pastor Kip McCormick

12 - Resolute - 03.29.19

Pastor Bob Marvel

13 - All Access Pass - 4.7.19

Pastor Bob Marvel

14 - Substitution - 04.14.19

Pastor Bob Marvel

15 - Easter - 04.21.19

Pastor Bob Marvel