Welcome to our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting! Whether this is your first experience with the spiritual discipline of fasting or you have practiced the activity before, we are excited to journey together.  This  year we are focusing on “Dangerous Prayers”.  Usually when danger is involved, we are warned against it and seek to avoid whatever is the source of that danger. In this case, when we pray “dangerous prayers”, the prayers are “dangerous” because they will open us up to God’s activity in our lives. Dangerous Prayers may stretch us out of our comfort zone; they may lead us to take steps of obedience that requires faith; they may require us to “deny to ourselves” in order to be conformed to the image of Christ.   

Over the next 21 days, we will look at various “dangerous prayers” and how we can allow God to guide, direct and shape our lives.


"In fasting, we choose to say "no" to some good things to say "yes" to something even better, namely, Jesus. The ultimate goal of all spiritual discipline is to fix our eyes more keenly on Jesus, becoming more and more like him being transformed by His Spirit." -  Bob Marvel


We're on the YouVersion Bible App again this year! Join us on the YouVersion Bible App. The 'Dangerous Prayers - 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting' reading plan has been published online and the plan is available to do each day on your own or together in a group. If done with others, you'll have the opportunity to use the app feature "talk about it" with those joining together in the reading plan. Click the YouVersion Bible App link above to join the Cornwall Church reading plan!

A Living Sacrifice

 "Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship."

Romans 12:1


January 8           Join us for a very special and intimate worship experience in the Loft at 6:30pm.  In addition to worship, we will be taking communion together and hearing a short message from Pastor Bob.  

January 9-10   During these two days, pray for what God will have you do during these 21 days.  Make an intentional plan of your personal commitment and prayer goals, and write it down.

January 11      First day of 21 days  

January 20      Day 10 (January 20th) is the halfway mark, and this will be our church-wide fast. You can do this at home, work, school or on-the-go.  Whether fasting for the entire day or a meal, let’s pray for our personal prayer goals, church, community, state and nation. (specific prayer needs are attached)

January 22      Worship and Prayer Gathering in the Loft at 6:30pm.

January 31      Last Day of 21 Days. Take time to reflect on what key lessons you learned during this time. What was something new or fresh that you experienced with Jesus? How were you challenged?
