In this series:

This summer, we will explore Jesus’ “I AM” declarations. In His own words, Jesus reveals his character and authenticates his divinity. Using metaphorical references, Jesus calls Himself the “bread of life, the light of the world, good shepherd,” and ultimately, “the way, the truth and the life.” We’ll discover these aren’t just bold claims, they are illustrative, inspirational and the foundation of who Jesus really is.

1 -Name Above All Names

Pastor Bob Marvel

2 - The Bread of Life

Pastor Bob Marvel

3 - He's Good

Pastor Bryon Mengle

4 - The Light of the World

Pastor Bob Marvel

5 - The Way, Truth and Life

Pastor Kevin Stamper

6- I AM With You

Pastor Scott Moon

7- I Am The Gate

Pastor Bob Marvel

8- Remain Where You Are

Pastor Steve Osborne

9 - Resurrection and the Life

Pastor Bob Marvel

10-Alpha and Omega

Pastor Bob Marvel